Cutting Crime Impact (CCI)
The European 3-year project Cutting Crime Impact, in which six police forces (law enforcement agencies; LEAs) developed and applied concrete approaches against High Impact Crime, is coming to an end.
In the Netherlands, in collaboration with the National Police, the Ministry of Justice and Security and municipalities, we made a set of instruments for the ‘Problem-oriented approach to HIC’ ( This set consists of a short manual, an encyclopedic Basic Book and almost 300 Knowledge Pearls. All this documentation is almost ready in Dutch and English on the ProHIC website (and to be published in book form from Boom).
Other LEAs within Europe do and have done similar things in areas such as Predictive Policing, Community Policing, Secure Design and Management/CPTED and Sense of Insecurity. At the end of the year everything is 100% tested and ready.
Closing session in Brussels
The closing session will take place in Brussels: see attached flyer. You can register quickly (and for free) by clicking on ‘Register now’.
Read more?
Read more about Cutting Crime Impact here.